

Tuesday, December 28

Eight Pounds, Five Ounces

     Lewis has hit the three month mark and is getting bigger and even more adorable by the day. I feel like I am becoming one of those people who want to show off tons of photos of their kids. Except in my case, my kids are actually just my dog. But when I look at his face, I really, truly have never seen a dog this dang cute!! He is doing so well and is already so spoiled. He had so many presents for Christmas he ended up getting the same thing twice! Lucky dog! Anyways, I'm thinking I need to add him on a calendar of cute puppies or something so everyone can share in on this face! Good Idea, no?!


  1. Lewis is too too cute! I agree, you do need a calendar to share this bundle of joy!

    <3 kris&kel

  2. preshhhhh!

    where is your sweater from? looks so cozy!

    c from

  3. He needs to be on one of those Puppies of 2011 calendars everyones Grandma has!!

  4. yes, very cute! and to think my 4-month-old puppy is about four times his size. boxer. yeah, he's going to get huge. oh, and super cute day-after (i think?) christmas post--i love that dress/tunic. the pattern and colors are awesome.
    -brittney (come on by! it's my daily outfit blog. sometimes it's funny. or, at the very least, only mildly obnoxious. can't turn down that kind of PR, can you? :) )

  5. HA! No problem I will come check it out!!!


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